
Rice is the seed of the grass species Oryza sativa. It’s a cereal grain and most widely consumed staple food for a large part of the world’s human population, especially in Asia. We are exporter of Rice. it is used to cook different sorts of traditional rice dishes, that has tempting aromatic fragrance, long grain, non-sticky after cooking. It is free of foreign materials such as dust and stones and is light diet which digests easily R64 5% broken, IR64, 5MM, parboiled/ Boiled rice, basmati rice, 1121 golden, Stella rice Basmati and non Basmati. 


Onion is a round vegetable with a brown skin that grows underground. It has many white layers on its inside which have a strong, sharp smell and taste. Red onions from India are well known for their color, taste & its nutritional value. Onions are low in calories but high in vitamins and minerals, benefits heart health, loaded with antioxidants, controls blood sugar etc.


Garlic is popular ingredient in cooking due to its strong smell and delicious taste. Not only is its taste so enriching, but it is highly Nutritious, it is rich in vitamin C, vitamin B6 and manganese. Garlic help lower blood pressure, support immune system, reduce blood clotting & provides antioxidants. Garlic supplements help prevent and reduce the severity of common illnesses like the flu and common cold. Garlic reduces high blood pressure, hypertension & improve bone Health.


Refined sugar is made from raw sugar that has undergone a refining process to remove the molasses. The raw sugar is extracted from sugarcane or sugar beet. The refining process removes unwanted tastes and results in refined sugar or white sugar is suitable for human consumption and is used in a wide variety of foods.

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